
Artists inspiring climate action

from hometowns across America.

Vote For Home is the first web video series to feature well-known musicians and artists discussing the impact of climate change in the United States. Created by Zachary Ostroff, a Stanford University environmental activist and musician, the pilot episode features Los Angeles-based artist Taryn Manning (star of Orange is the New Black, singer-songwriter) and a town called East Porterville in California's Central Valley. Thousands of Americans in East Porterville are surviving off of bottled water due to the severe impact of climate change on the California drought. 

The show provides viewers with the most powerful tool for climate action in 2016: voting. The 2016 U.S. election is the most important election in climate change history. We all need to vote this year so we elect political leaders from our President to local government officials who will stand up for ambitious climate change action.

Our partners TurboVote and Environmental Voter Project provide the easiest ways to register and pledge to vote online. They can also remind you how, when, and where to vote by phone or email. 

Spread the word, share this video, Vote For Home!


Thanks to our partners for helping us begin our movement. Check out the amazing work they are doing to keep our planet safe and beautiful for generations to come:

Warner Music Group, Stanford|Warner Music Group Leadership Initiative, KNOW Tomorrow, NextGen ClimateAlliance for Climate Education, US Climate Action Network, and so many others. 


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